
来源:文书网 2.68W



apprehensions; misgiving


People's fear of the Republican-initiated plan was exceeded only by their animosity toward the Speaker himself

人们对共和党人提出的这项计划的疑惧仅次于他们对议长本人的憎恶心情。These fears ought now to be laid.

这些疑惧现在可以平息了。A soft qualm regret, flowed down his backbone, increasing.

淡淡的疑惧,悔恨之情,顺着他的脊骨往下串。The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.——Franklin D. Roosevelt

我们今天的疑惧,是实现明日理想的唯一限制。——罗斯福For fifteen minutes everyone submerged his private fears and doubts


n. 忧虑,恐惧;逮捕;理解

It was intended to impede the apprehension of the person

它旨在妨碍对该人的'拘押的。Details of their apprehension are still unclear.

逮捕的细节目前仍不清楚。It is a pity that they are not apprehensive about the law

悯不畏法She is an apprehensive girl.

她是个善解人意的女孩。The apprehension of the robbers, escaped prisoners, etc.


n. 疑虑;担忧;害怕

Foreign businessmen had misgivings about investment here.

外国企业家对在这里投资有顾虑。I'm afraid some of our veteran comrades do harbour such misgivings.

恐怕我们有些老同志有这个担心。She had some misgivings about what she was about to do.

她对自己要做的事有些疑虑。I thought it well to impart my misgivings to President Roosevelt.

我认为最好把我的顾虑告知罗斯福总统。 r superiorly puffed away the absurd misgivings of women.

