
来源:文书网 6.98K




Welcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. Part B is Role Play. In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. Part C is Retelling. In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell what you have heard in your own words.

PART A Reading Aloud

In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.

(58″96 words)


Now you have ONE minute to practise reading.


Now listen to the speaker once again. And try to read after the speaker.


Now read as the speaker in the video.

(解析:视频总长58秒;字数:96 words;语速:99 words per minute;语音:美音;题材:探索类、科技类;具体内容:探索火星)

Part B Role Play

In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions. Now please listen to the speaker.

情景介绍 (30″)


任务:(1) 和同学Tom讨论如何应对心理压力;

(2) 根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。

生词:survey 调查

Transcript: (38″ 93 words)


Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.


Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.


Please get ready to answer the first question.

(解析:对话时长38秒,字数:93 words,语速:147 words per minute;语音:美音;题材:学校生活;具体内容:讨论学习压力。三问中有1个一般疑问句和2个特殊疑问句;五答中直白题居多,但答案偏长。)

PART C Retelling

In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.

梗 概:Tom的乐队以街头演奏为生,尽管观众较少,他们依然坚持,最后收获了惊喜。

关键词:band(乐队), insist(坚持), cold(寒冷的), note(字条), change(改变)

Transcript: (87″ 196 words)


Now please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120″)

(解析:时长:87秒;字数:197 words;语速:140 words per minute;语音:美音;题材:日常生活。)
