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It's very important to get to the heart of the discussion.抓住讨论的要点是非常重要的。

Catch hold of; grasp hold of抓住;握住;找到;搞到

Please catch up the loose end of the rope请抓住绳子松着的一端。

We should still be able to get him with the grapple.我们仍然可以用抓斗抓住他。

capture and impound stray dogs.把迷路的狗抓住并且关在圈中

The irate husband seized his wife's lover and kicked him downstairs.恼怒的丈夫抓住妻子的情夫,把他踢下楼去。

You'd better lock in the best exchange rates and buy foreign currency before you leave.为求合算,出国前就要抓住最好汇率把外币换好。

Grabbing his ponytail, Shirley gave it a yank.雪莉抓住他的马尾辫,猛地一拽;

Cody smiled shyly, gripping my hand for dear life.科迪腼腆地微笑着,紧紧地抓住我的手。

She clutched the mask and breathed short and deep, pantingly, making the respirator click她抓住面罩,呼呼地吸气,又短促又深入,弄得呼吸器答答响。


adj. 激动人心的;吸引人的;扣人心弦的`

to have a sound grip of a problem对问题有较深的理解

hand baggage grip手提包

The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.这个国家笼罩在民族主义的狂热中。

Property's grip on people is unrelenting. 房产对人的控制是无情的。

John has a good grip of his subject.约翰深刻了解他的学科。
