
来源:文书网 1.87W

56. According to the passage, we are supposed to __________.


A. try our best to reply to e-mails as soon as possible

B. avoid some annoying practices while e-mailing

C. delete improper expressions and patterns in e-mails

D. highlight our messages by using the techniques mentioned

57. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We can fill the subject line with Hey rather than leave it blank.

B. Times New Roman is so old-fashioned that we should change it.

C. Signing names, we can include name, title, social network links, etc.

D. When we offer congratulations to others, using caps is acceptable.

58. The underlined phrase “cry wolf” means “________”.

A. give a false alarmB. mark a wrong punctuation

C. have evil intentionsD. express your sorrow


文本分析:话题:避免错误邮件习惯; 体裁:应用文:温馨贴士;淮安、宿迁、海安的阅读A篇只一幅类似宣传告示类公益广告图,主题明显,内容清晰。所以标题浏览非常重要。最大的标题:“Delete These E-mail Habits”揭示主题,此处delete语境意为,get rid of或avoid;其他六个小标题,分别说明六个不当行为习惯,标题下方皆为解释说明。

解题分析:56 B主旨目的题,大标题所得,我们应该避免让人生厌的不良邮件习惯。annoying的`动词形式在大标题上方出现。

D 细节理解题。分别考察6个小标题中的4个,快速查找。解题过程关注语块的不同表达,很可能是做题陷阱。A ,第一个标题,文中使用了or表示leave the subject line blank和fill it with hey 同样不可取。选项A 转化为rather than, 表达fill it with hey可取。B,来自左边第二个标题,最后一句,save your creativity for another medium, 此处表示创造性不可取。C 关注左边第三个标题,最后一句话,使用了skip,表示我们不能使用social network links. D 来自右边最后一个标题,而需要注意的是CONGRATS 是congratulations非正式口语的缩写。

A 词义推断题。昨天徐州市2017-2018期中考试中,我已经强调,请关注文化层面,俚语习语在语境中的理解,很可能是下面单选、阅读中的会出现的一个值得关注的点。




Surveys reveal that these online practices are the ones to avoid.

Save your creativity for another medium.

Skip social network links, chat handles, and quotes.


You leave the subject line blank, or you fill it with Hey or FYI, which completely defeats the purpose of the subject line.

Unless everyone in that group e-mail really needs to see what you say, reply only to the sender.

【本文作者: 徐州七中 彭向梅。(公众号:草根英语行思教)】

